About Us
Since the Jawoyn Association’s beginning more than 30 years ago, we have invited others to “share our country”.

The Jawoyn Association has never wavered from our Elders’ vision when the Nitmiluk land claim was underway: to bring the Jawoyn people together as one nation, care for country and develop economic independence.
We strive to improve the cultural, social and economic well-being of the Jawoyn people, while always caring for country.
We represent and support the Jawoyn people and country through our human services, land management, cultural and business enterprises.
Jawoyn Board
The board drives our direction and ensures all member and community needs are heard and considered.
Jawoyn members nominate up to 12 members to the board, which is overseen by a chair and deputy chair.
The board meets regularly and on request for special meetings.
The current board is sitting from 2023 – 2026.
Council of Elders
Senior Jawoyn Elders play an important role in maintaining and building culture and community.
Community, culture and country lay at the heart of our work.
Community, culture and country lay at the heart of our work.
The council provides a forum for Elders to voice their desires and concerns, and to consider and put forward matters of importance. Vitally, it gives support and guidance to the Jawoyn Board.
Sadly, in 2018, the Council of Elders has lost three significant members.
The Council of Elders includes, but is not limited to: